Twitter: Hashtag Etiquette

Nearly every Tuesday or Thursday, and sometimes randomly, someone tries to start a new Twitter meme by using the #tpt hashtag for a variety of things: Third Person [Tue/Thu], TwitPic [Tue/Thu], and others. The Twitter Poker Tour has been using the #tpt hashtag for over a year and it is counter productive to both the TPT and the new meme to share a hashtag as it causes confusion.

What is the etiquette for dealing with hashtag “pirates”. Should the burden be on the person who would like to start the new meme to research and choose an unused hashtag? A simple Twitter Search for #tpt shows the hashtag is alive and in use. Or should the burden be on the current “owners” or users of the hashtag to ask that they pick a new hashtag?

What are your thoughts on this?

5 thoughts on “Twitter: Hashtag Etiquette

  1. the whole hashtag thing is way out of control, much like the follow friday thing. However, I have come to think of #tpt as Twitter Poker Tour. If you want a new hash tag,makes sure someone else is not already using it. It takes a few seconds to search it. If you use tweetdeck, you can do a search right there. If it’s in use, don’t be lazy, find a new one.

  2. I think the burden should be on the person who wants to use a tag – it’s good sense & good manners to check first. That said, you can’t always count on everyone to be polite or sensible.

  3. I hate to suggest it, because I’m sure it’s not what you want to do, but the easiest way to avoid this (apparently frequent) frustration might be to change your hashtag to something less ubiquitous. #twitterpoker or #twitpoker or #twpoker probably wouldn’t be hijacked as easily. Your #tpt’ers might not mind so much, and it certainly would be easier to corral your own than to try to whip other people line.

  4. @igster101 @thekeylime – thanks for the comments

    @BrianGoodBeat: Very valid point. I would hate to do it as we do have some brand equity built up in the “tpt” name, not necessarily the hashtag. But it sure would make it a little easier.

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